Thai Hom Mali Rice, known as Thai fragrant rice, is a long-grain rice that has a unique aroma. When uncooked the grain is translucent, but when cooked it becomes opaque and white. Jasmine rice is containing vitamins and minerals with no gluten.
- Thai Hom Mali Rice 100%.
- Tasty and Fluffy.
- When uncooked the grain is translucent, but when cooked it becomes opaque and white and presents a natural fragrant smell.

Thai Jasmine Rice is nearly identical to Thai Jasmine rice that is soft and tasty in reasonable price. Its similar appearance, authentic natural fragrant and soft texture compatible to Thai Jasmine Rice.
- Thai fragrant white rice 100%
- Tasty and Fluffy
- Which has natural fragrant and soft texture identical to Thai hom mali white rice 100%

Thai Jasmine Brown Rice is whole grain rice that is healthy for you. It has a mild, nutty flavor, chewier, more nutritious and fibers than white rice.
- Brown rice is a nutritious whole grain that delivers “Fiber”, protein and selenium
- Chewier, nuttier and richer in nutrients.
- Health and Weight Loss Benefits

Thai White Rice is 100% long grain white rice. After cook it has aromatic smell and soft, but if you leave for a while it will get harder. This rice is good to eat with curry, soup or cooking fried rice.
- 100% Long Grain White Rice.
- Lower Price
- When cooked it firm and separately.

Thai glutinous rice, the consistency of what is commonly called “Sticky Rice” is derives from two kinds of starch in the kernels, namely amylose and amylopectin. A higher amount of the latter increases the sticky texture. Thai glutinous rice can cook both main dishes or desserts.
- 100% Long Grain Glutinous Rice
- Commonly called Sticky Rice.
- High Amylose (Types of starch found in a plant).
- The major production areas is in northeastern regions of Thailand.