About our company
Thailand is famous as a land of agriculture with world-class rice plants used to make organic products. The hot climate and fertile soil lead to the marvelous and unique taste of Wonnapob’s rice. As a professional rice exporter in Thailand, Wonnapob provides and supplies the best rice products through our up-to-date automatic rice processing equipment. Our products are GMO free, healthy and safe for the environment.
Wonnapob Company is a family-owned rice business since 1895 in central part of Thailand where is extremely fertile and is famous for rice production. Today the combined efforts of our 3rd and 4th generation and years of experience, our company become one of leading rice exporter with the finest rice quality. Our strengths include best-selected quality, ensured international standards, efficiency processing, and latest advanced technology, we are proudly serving international customers and exporting premium quality with variety of rice and packaging.

Our mission
Commitment to continuous improvement in all aspects of the organization to meet all our customer needs.
Our vision
We specialize in manufacturing and exporting the high quality rice of Thailand. We provide exceptional and reliable service to our customers.
Our company group
Wonnapob Farm Co., Ltd.
Rice Farm (Thailand)
PTK Wattanakit Co., Ltd.
Construction (Thailand)
Ikonic System Co., Ltd.
Software House (Thailand)
Wonnapob Co., Ltd.
Rice Exporter (Thailand)
Homestate Co-operation Ltd.
Rice Importer and Distributor (Papua New Guinea)
Wonnapob PNG Co., Ltd.
Real Estate (Papua New Guinea)
W.N.P.Global Trade Co., Ltd.
Trader (Thailand)
W.N.P.Logistic Co., Ltd.
Logistic (Thailand)
Our facilities
Rice Exporter
We have our logistic to support all process.
Rice Distributor
Wonnapob Co., Ltd. in Thailand, we supply rice to both local and outside customers. In Papua New Ginea, Lae Head Office: We located on 8 hectare of own land which can be support the rapidly expansion of our business in the past 2 years.